This week little Lucy turns 7 so we decided to have a special day out.
Lucy is a Sylvanian Families collector and so she asked for her birthday treat to go with her friend Mai-Li to the Sylvanian Families shop in London.
Inside it is filled from floor to ceiling with Sylvanian Families, playsets and special Japanese imports (very exciting).
There was a great central display which has given us lots of ideas for how to display Lucy’s collection at home. The small pieces were all glued down. Emily checked! :0
Above the display were several hot air balloon floating with little figures waving from inside the baskets. We love hot air balloons and thought this was a great project for another day.
We had a great time and Emily was very chuffed with her new friend (no, you cannot buy these).
Lucy chose a lovely school for her Sylvanian Family children, Emily was treated to a rowing boat complete with picnic and rowing raccoon while Mai- Li chose the lovely deer family.
We were feeling a bit peckish so we headed off to get some afternoon tea. We had a reservation at The Tea Rooms in Stoke Newington which is not far from the Sylvanian Family shop (you could walk through Clissold Park if the weather is fine).
The Tea Rooms have only a few tables (reservations are advised if going between 3-5) and it has a lovely feel. The vintage china and cutlery is very pretty. There are doilies on the plates and all the cakes are homemade.
The girls tucked into the yummy sandwiches and cakes. Lucy’s favourite were the scones with clotted cream and jam. Delicious.
Instead of tea the girls opted for pink lemonade in their tea cups, I had a pot of Earl Grey and the girls were fascinated with the tea leaves and strainer. No tea bags here.
After our filling tea we packed the new School and friends into the car and drove home singing songs the whole way. 🙂